Source code for

from openprotein.api import predictor
from import (
from openprotein.base import APISession
from openprotein.errors import InvalidParameterError
from openprotein.schemas import FeatureType, ReductionType

from .embeddings import EmbeddingsAPI
from .svd import SVDAPI

[docs] class PredictorAPI: """ This class defines a high level interface for accessing the predictors API. """
[docs] def __init__(self, session: APISession, embeddings: EmbeddingsAPI, svd: SVDAPI): self.session = session self.embeddings = embeddings self.svd = svd
[docs] def get_predictor(self, predictor_id: str) -> PredictorModel: """ Get predictor by model_id. PredictorModel allows all the usual prediction job manipulation: \ e.g. making POST and GET requests for this predictor specifically. Parameters ---------- predictor_id : str the model identifier Returns ------- PredictorModel The predictor model to inspect and make predictions with. Raises ------ HTTPError If the GET request does not succeed. """ return PredictorModel( session=self.session, metadata=predictor.predictor_get( session=self.session, predictor_id=predictor_id ), )
[docs] def list_predictors(self) -> list[PredictorModel]: """ List predictors available. Returns ------- list[PredictorModel} List of predictor models to inspect and make predictions with. Raises ------ HTTPError If the GET request does not succeed. """ return [ PredictorModel( session=self.session, metadata=m, ) for m in predictor.predictor_list(session=self.session) ]
[docs] def fit_gp( self, assay: AssayDataset | AssayMetadata | str, properties: list[str], model: EmbeddingModel | SVDModel | str, feature_type: FeatureType | None = None, reduction: ReductionType | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> PredictorModel: """ Fit a GP on an assay with the specified feature model and hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- assay : AssayMetadata | str Assay to fit GP on. properties: list[str] Properties in the assay to fit the gp on. feature_type: str Type of features to use for encoding sequences. "SVD" or "PLM". model : str Protembed/SVD model to use depending on feature type. reduction : str | None Type of embedding reduction to use for computing features. default = None prompt: PromptFuture | str | None Prompt if using PoET-based models. Returns ------- PredictorModel The GP model being fit. """ # extract feature type feature_type = ( FeatureType.PLM if isinstance(model, EmbeddingModel) else FeatureType.SVD if isinstance(model, SVDModel) else feature_type ) if feature_type is None: raise InvalidParameterError( "Expected feature_type to be provided if passing str model_id as model" ) # get model if model_id if feature_type == FeatureType.PLM: if reduction is None: raise InvalidParameterError( "Expected reduction if using EmbeddingModel" ) if isinstance(model, str): model = self.embeddings.get_model(model) assert isinstance(model, EmbeddingModel), "Expected EmbeddingModel" return model.fit_gp( assay=assay, properties=properties, reduction=reduction, name=name, description=description, **kwargs, ) elif feature_type == FeatureType.SVD: if isinstance(model, str): model = self.svd.get_svd(model) assert isinstance(model, SVDModel), "Expected SVDModel" return model.fit_gp( assay=assay, properties=properties, name=name, description=description, **kwargs, )
[docs] def delete_predictor(self, predictor_id: str) -> bool: """ Delete predictor model. Parameters ---------- predictor_id : str The ID of the predictor. Returns ------- bool True: successful deletion """ return predictor.predictor_delete( session=self.session, predictor_id=predictor_id )
[docs] def ensemble(self, predictors: list[PredictorModel]) -> PredictorModel: """ Ensemble predictor models together. Parameters __________ predictors: list[PredictorModel] List of predictors to ensemble together. Returns ------- PredictorModel Ensembled predictor model """ return PredictorModel( session=self.session, metadata=predictor.predictor_ensemble( session=self.session, predictor_ids=[ for predictor in predictors], ), )
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